
Mudjacking vs. Polyjacking: The Differences

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When repairing concrete sidewalks, mudjacking and polyjacking are commonly suggested solutions. Though both methods operate on similar concepts, they have different advantages. Knowing the difference enables homeowners and property owners to look for the right solution they need.

Polyjacking is like mudjacking in that the concept is the same; you add material to restore the slab’s position or stabilize it. However, polyurethane material or polyurethane foam is used instead of mud. It’s a material you might be familiar with as it’s often used for insulation inside homes. Foam injected into the space beneath the slab then expands rapidly, elevating the slab and restoring it to its proper position.

Mudjacking refers to the procedure of filling voids, gaps, or loose areas beneath concrete slabs. It calls for adding mud or sediment to the gap. The new material provided by the mudjacking will lift sunken concrete, correct its position, and make it stable again as it is now better adhered to where it needs to be.

Which should a homeowner choose?

Both solutions are very effective—it’s simply a matter of what suits the property owners’ and the pavement’s needs better.

  • Cost – Both are inexpensive procedures compared to fully repaving or replacing concrete slabs. However, mudjacking is more accessible and affordable than polyjacking, as mudjacking uses slurry and polyjacking uses specialized material.
  • Control The polyurethane foam is injected into the gap and expands on its own upon exposure to air. That means there isn’t going to be as much control over its expansion. On the other hand, mudjacking has better control as it doesn’t have this secondary expansion factor — workers can control the material more easily.
  • Environmental impactOne of the most important aspects of mudjacking is that it doesn’t use any synthetic material. Polyjacking uses polyurethane, which can be hazardous to the environment. It may not be the best choice for homeowners to use it around gardens or plant life. Mudjacking uses only slurry, making it the most natural option and applicable in all areas.

Knowing and understanding both mudjacking and polyjacking can help a property owner choose: speed, cost, stability, and accessibility; these options can give you the repair and maintenance you need.

Cost-efficient and fast, mudjacking can help property owners restore and correct their concrete paving. Contact Boss Mudjacking to learn about how they do the process.