

Sinking concrete and pests: Why you should keep an eye out on your property.

Even city dwellers are not exempt from rodents. The city has a large variety of rodents, and homeowners should be worried about them. These little critters are natural burrowers and are often blamed for sinking concrete.  Mice, rats, voles, moles, ground squirrels, and gophers love to dwell under the concrete foundation in search of a […]

Why is My Driveway Sinking Next to My Garage

Have you ever noticed that your driveway has dropped in front of your garage? It’s an issue that many homeowners face, and it can be quite frustrating. The good news is that this problem is not uncommon, and there are several reasons why it might be happening. In this article, we’ll explore the most common […]

How to Protect Your Driveway in the Winter 

It’s crucial to protect your driveway as the temperatures start to drop. Cold weather, rain, sleet, and snow are the natural elements that can do the most damage to a concrete driveway or sidewalk during the winter season. To maintain the integrity of your concrete driveway and retain your property value this winter, try these […]

How much weight can mudjacking lift?

Mudjacking has been widely considered a fast, cost-efficient, and effective method to repair uneven concrete slabs. Here’s what you need to know about it.  What is mudjacking?  Mudjacking means applying filler below the surface of the concrete or the slabs to level it back into place effectively. It is a quick solution for leveling driveways […]

Boss Mudjacking on Pests: How do rodents cause sinking concrete?

Many causes can contribute to sinking concrete in your driveway, sidewalk, or pavement. It could be caused by sediment movement, poor concrete build, or expansion and contraction. But there’s one that you might not have immediately thought of: rodents. If you live in an area with a significant population of pests, such as rodents or […]

Experts Explain: Why did the driveway drop right in front of your garage?

Seeing your driveway drop or sink right in front of the garage is a common problem for most homeowners. It happens to nearly all driveways, and the root cause is the physics involved in connecting the driveway to the garage itself. The Problems Erosion is typically the cause of this signature dip in driveways. A […]

Water seepage: How broken gutters and downspouts can damage your property

Every building — whether residential or commercial — require proper drainage for rainwater. As a result, owners must avoid having broken gutters and downspouts since they help keep the integrity of the property intact. However, climbing a ladder to clean your gutter is not the most exciting thing on your list of to-dos when it […]

Cracked concrete: Should I be concerned about them?

Cracked concrete is a nuisance for homeowners, especially when you just had fresh concrete poured into your driveway, garage floor, walkway, or concrete slab. But don’t worry too much about it — hairline scratches are typically normal. However, there are cases when cracked concrete requires professional attention.  What caused the crack in the first place? […]

Mudjacking vs. Polyjacking: The Differences

When repairing concrete sidewalks, mudjacking and polyjacking are commonly suggested solutions. Though both methods operate on similar concepts, they have different advantages. Knowing the difference enables homeowners and property owners to look for the right solution they need. Polyjacking is like mudjacking in that the concept is the same; you add material to restore the […]

Sinking Concrete: How Dry Weather Causes Concrete to Sink

Many different factors can cause sinking concrete around your pavement, sidewalk, or driveway. Some of these reasons are environmental, such as weather, soil composition, or even changes in the atmosphere. If you’ve noticed that the concrete slabs around your property have sunk, consider whether your area has recently had dry weather, as it may be […]